Interpersonal Trauma Counselling

The experience of interpersonal trauma, including emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and physical abuse, can be debilitating. We can help you experience the relief and renewal of healing.

Our services

We offer true trauma-informed, trauma-conscious services across all interpersonal trauma experiences.

interpersonal abuse

Sexual abuse and sexual assault

Whether your experience of sexual abuse was as a child or an adult, repeated experiences or a single event, it represents a wholesale violation of your body and being. Further, reporting and prosecuting sexual abuse or sexual assault can be an extremely traumatic experience. We can support you in healing as well as navigating the legal system.


Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse comes in many forms. The lack of nurturing as a child, coercive control in a relationship, or narcissistic abuse. It can be hard for others to see despite the impact often being completely devastating. But just as your brain adapted to help you survive in these toxic situations, your brain is able to apart to the safety of healthy relationships.

interpersonal trauma

Physical abuse

Whether you experienced physical abuse as a child or during a domestic violence relationship, often the wounds of this abuse go further than physical injuries. It can be difficult to be feel safe again with others. But you deserve to feel safe and to be protected from physical violence in all its forms.

Need help? Book a call at a time to suit your schedule

We offer free, no-obligation 15 minute discovery calls so you can ask any questions and find out how we can help.